A Think Tank for Generations to Come
Profitability, feasibility and risk analysis models through the lens of the four pillars below:
Do our leaders pass the Mirror Test?
Are we structured properly for the long haul?
Does our mission permeate internally & externally?
Will our business survive & thrive the next 100 years?
With so much change globally,
how do we develop a strategy?
THINK: MIssion
Does your mission and P&L match up with the audience & partners you are targeting?
Does your organisation know the supply chain of your partners?
What does the next generation expect from your project, company and the market?
What are the market and organisational barriers to rapid response?
Do we have a process that adjusts projections often enough to be proactive instead of reactive?
How can we best execute and measure the results of the plan against profit and impact?
How can theory turn into results?
100-Year Plan
Feasibility analysis and 6-step strategy and execution plan. Produce internal and external reports and determine which modules or initiatives make sense for your organization.
Unlocking short term revenue is still the key to the 100-year plan, bringing all stakeholders to the table with a benchmark vision to anchor goals and targets a focus on how to make business decisions that propel growth in a way that will stand the test of time.
Compatibility Test
Measure the compatibility of your athletes or executive team members with an innovative approach to matching personalities across backgrounds and personalities. The process enables you to make more informed decisions about organizational makeup and adds more data when signing new players or hiring new team members.
Factfulness Workshop
Factfulness is a fact-based approach to thinking within your organization. We have taken world renown research by Hans Rosling and developed a process to apply a fact-based thinking in organizational leadership with workshops for executives and/or all employees tailored to your specific structure and team needs.
Real-time Data Analysis
Measuring customer, team or employee satisfaction can be perceived as a painful process. We develop simple and executable solutions for you to get more instantaneous feedback (which can be anonymous) to make better decisions with insights from fans, partners, stakeholders and employees.
Org Chart Analysis
One phase of the 100-year planning process involves analyzing the structure of the organization(s) which we offer separately focused on decision making processes. From board structure to senior leadership down to departmental structures and external facing operations such as procurement are analyzed from a long term perspective to ensure and enable nimble decision making and encourage an innovation mindset focused on profitability.
B Corp Structures
The B Corp model is a process to harness the power of business to impact society. When companies incorporate their mission into the DNA of their company structure, they protect their long-term vision and fully commit to using business as a force for good. We help you analyze if a B Corp model is a viable method for you to boost profits and impact at the same time.
Supply Chain Leverage
Governance is not just about internal operations. Sport has a unique B2B and B2C structure that creates leverage throughout supply chain processes from a logistical B2B perspective and also consumer-facing marketing opportunities in the B2C markets. We help you understand the businesses you are linking with in unique ways, to better support your partners and leverage your unique market position to develop new revenue lines and strengthen existing relationships.
Decentralized Models
Market trends such as the gig economy, automation and Agile organizations have been decentralizing corporate structures for over a decade and mass adoption of blockchain technology will expedite this. But the technology is just one element of decentralized models and we can help you navigate the basic principles of decentralized trends and if or how they might impact or improve your strategy in the market or with your partners and sponsors.
Innovation Strategy
Finding unique ways to leverage intellectual property and data is the new frontier for sports with media rights, sponsorship and licensing a large portion of the revenue market. Instead of being reactive to the latest trends, the opportunities that exist in emerging technologies are reliant on access to said intellectual property rights to generate revenue. We help improve or develop an innovation lab, accelerator or innovation strategy with you to better take advantage of the leverage your intellectual property offers you in the market to find new revenue streams with ownership.
Venture Arm
Running an accelerator or innovation lab is one option to securing more ownership over emerging market opportunities, but to take that strategy to the next level, a venture arm is another avenue to consider. Generally raising the capital for such an initiative is the most challenging portion of the endeavor unless a strong brand is behind the venture. The sport market provides a unique opportunity to partner with VC's or to build a Venture Arm attached to the team or league you involved in or governing.
Diversity of Thought
Diversity initiatives are commonly a HR practice alone. We take this concept to a practical level by helping you connect three departments with a diversity of thought approach: Marketing, Human Resources and Procurement. In most organizations, these 3 departments do not interact directly very often, but they are the crux of the organizational impact both internally and externally. If the marketing culture isn't synced up with the HR culture, then the interactions with partners in procurement or directly with customers or clients will not be as cohesive and tend to not reflect the mission of the organization as well as if they are all on the same page.
Think Like a Startup
Execute at scale. Technology is pervasive in every walk of life and business. In order to remain relevant and on the cutting edge, larger organizations need to think like a startup in some respects while executing with scale and impact in mind. Startups think about growth in too narrow of terms in many facets and larger groups have more data points to leverage. Data is the new currency, and we runs programme and workshops to help you discover new revenue streams with data a mindset focused on innovation.
Social Impact Fund
Despite the overuse of the term social impact, trends are moving away from CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programmes and more into making impact a part of their daily business. One method to take things to another level is to engage constituents in your community to scale the interest in your brand into a full impact fund.
Carbon Initiative
Measure the compatibility of your athletes or executive team members with an innovative approach to matching personalities across backgrounds and personalities. The process enables you to make more informed decisions about organizational makeup and adds more data when signing new players or hiring new team members.
Data is the new currency and technology is opening up new doors in business on a minute by minute basis. Vitae is a platform that connects people through common interest and experience. Bringing people together through a proprietary and transparent process, enables a new way to gather information and use data with consent to engage with customers and consumers. Vitae can alternatively be used as a way to strengthen relationships with vendors and partners with supply chains or e-commerce strategies, or even as an internal engagement platform for employees of your team, brand or firm.
Sustainable Marketing
Execute at scale. Technology is pervasive in every walk of life and business. In order to remain relevant and on the cutting edge, larger organizations need to think like a startup in some respects while executing with scale and impact in mind. Startups think about growth in too narrow of terms in many facets and larger groups have more data points to leverage. Data is the new currency, and we help you discover new revenue streams with data a mindset focused on innovation.
If not now, when?
Design 100-year plan with a focus on short term profit & long term sustainability
Implement strategies that leverage partnerships and supply chains to drive triple bottom line results
Design Initiatives, Innovation Labs and Venture Arms focused on sustainability & societal impact
Support partners on sustainable measures in other industries that can be transferred seamlessly
Focus research & development efforts on innovations with an eye toward real-time data analysis
Support public policies that encourage profitable methods of sustainable business models